Sparks of Wisdom simplify and synthesize insights and experience that can inspire growth! Because let’s be honest, growth is way less painful than staying stuck.
Connection over Protection
Did you know that our nervous systems are working to keep us safe 24/7!? ⛑️It’s true! Our remarkable brain-body is constantly scanning for danger and will go into protection mode if something seems off.
what’s that about?
What do you notice when something doesn’t go according to plan? Do you find yourself freaking out or blaming others? If so, then you probably need to get better at Rerouting.🧭
what’s tHE —?
Do you ever find yourself thinking there is something wrong with you? Well, you’re not alone. We live in a world that constantly tells us all that we need to change, do, and become something in order to be loveable. We’re calling bullshit! 💩
This Spark of Wisdom sounds simple, but it can be really challenging. Notice That is about cultivating our superpower of awareness. 🦸🏻♀️ We can get so used to our autopilot reactions that we stop noticing if they’re appropriate or effective.
This Spark is about knowing and standing in your truth! It’s also a sure fire way to put an end to being gaslit. This Spark of Wisdom brings some humor to that realization that someone is spinning some bullshit 🐂 and that you’re not down for that.
you can unlearn that
Have you heard…you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! 🐶 Thanks to Neuroplasticity we now know that we can learn and unlearn until the day we die!
uncover the secrets
it works until it doesn’t
Can you think of a behavior that used to be no big deal and now it's wreaking havoc? Welcome to the club of being human! 😆 We all find ways of self-soothing or avoiding discomfort. For many of us these behaviors have been a lifesaver. Thank you nervous system! We’re still here! 🙌🏼
get the scoop
I’m Not Fixing This for You
Are you working to stay in your lane with your kids, spouse, or parents? ⚠️ Is there a relationship or work situation where you've been picking up the pieces or solving problems that aren't yours to fix?
what’s that about?
keep going
This Spark of Wisdom has two intersecting meanings. First, if things suck…Keep Going. You know you don't want to stay where you are, so think of this Spark as us and the Universe encouraging you to remember There is Enough Time, and you can move to a place that is less hard and maybe even peaceful…so Keep Going! 📣
what’s that about?
discomfort has something to teach us
What?! Isn’t discomfort dangerous and something to avoid at all costs? Yes, feeling discomfort can be a sign of danger and we want to pay attention and make smart choices. But Discomfort Has Something to Teach Us can be our teacher. If we tune in and drop into our bodies and get curious, we can learn so much.
dive deeper
Have you ever caught yourself walking through the grocery store like your hair's on fire?🔥 Many of us are in overdrive powering through our day or our to-do list as a way to feel better about ourselves or to avoid feeling at all.
i choose me
How many times have you made a decision that later left you pissed off or resentful? If that sounds familiar, this Spark of Wisdom is for you. Choosing yourself is the antithesis of pleasing people, which is a short-term way to get approval or acceptance. People pleasing has devastating costs including eroding our self-respect, self-trust, and self-love.
what’s tHE —?
This Spark of Wisdom is a reminder and a call to action. We can all struggle to stay connected with the truth that we are worthy of love and belonging…that we are all lovable.
dive deeper
disappoint them
Calling all people pleasers. If you find yourself exhausted from trying to make everyone else happy, keep reading. Most of us learn at an early age the importance of pleasing our caregivers.
get the scoop
be bold. be you.