
What do you notice when something doesn’t go according to plan? Do you find yourself freaking out or blaming others? If so, then you probably need to get better at Rerouting.🧭 Like Google™ Maps, we all run into unexpected obstacles that require us to change course. Although we humans love predictability, too much planning, control, and need for certainty can lead to anxiety, rigidity and can prevent us from experiencing joy. 😩 And that’s no fun!

This Spark of Wisdom is about learning to notice our reactions, make space for what is, and be gentle with ourselves as we work to figure out the new route. Becoming more flexible is good for our health, happiness and our relationships.👏🏼  Think about it…who would you rather hang out with…the control freak set on things going exactly like they plan or with someone who is flexible, open to possibilities, and can reroute?  No Brainer…Rerouting is the obvious choice.😜

The Merch