Connection over Protection

Did You know that our nervous systems are working to keep us safe 24/7!? It’s true! Our remarkable brain-body is constantly scanning for danger and will go into protection mode if something seems off.

Danger isn’t always a physical threat like stepping onto the street as a car is approaching, it can be something like getting a creepy vibe from someone or feeling rejected. Sometimes there are real threats like bullying or judgment, but all too often, our nervous systems are making decisions based on all our past experiences rather than the current situation. This can lead us to create patterns of protection like choosing not to put ourselves out there or striving for perfectionism. Although protective patterns keep us safe, they can also keep us disconnected from ourselves and others and they get in the way of authenticity and belonging. Boo! 👎🏼

This Spark of Wisdom reminds us that we need to assess our current situations, notice when old protective patterns are not serving us, and consciously choose connection. This might look like risking initiating contact with someone or being honest about your wants and needs. It can feel terrifying to choose connection over protection, but we’re confident that once you try it you’ll like it! Nothing leaves us feeling safer than connection. Yay! 👍🏼

The Merch