Welcome to Unfiltered Therapists

We’re excited that you found us because we have so much we want to share with you and the world. It’s not that we think we’re the experts, but our work with thousands of amazing humans has led to some incredible insights that might be useful. 

Together we bring almost 150 years of life and more than 50 years of professional knowledge and experience to Unfiltered Therapists. We are all committed to our own work and to ongoing training as therapists so we can make brain-body health more accessible and easier to understand.

There is an overwhelming amount of information about mental health out there. Our hope is to simplify complex ideas so that they are more accessible and can Boldly Inspiring Change! 

What does Boldly Inspiring Change! mean to us?

It’s our hope that by making life altering insight, inspiration, and practices available to everyone in a lively manner that the information will be easier to understand and apply. Lives don't change if we can’t put what we learn into action…and we want lives to change

To learn more about us individually, check out our stories

Michelle’s Story

My journey to working with others began with the excavation of my own life at about 40 and it continues to this day. After making sense of some of how I was choosing to live my life, I left a sales & marketing career to go back to school. Two decades later I’m still learning from my face down moments, from incredibly courageous clients and from really talented and committed colleagues. If you haven’t heard, life school never ends. 😁 

I’m deeply curious about myself and others and in how we can all better know and accept ourselves. I find that our ability to be in deep relationship with others, our communities, and our planet is an inside-out job. When we value and appreciate ourselves, we are better able to value and appreciate others. No matter how different they may be. Loving ourselves and others also involves vulnerability and as terrifying as vulnerability feels, it’s the portal to connection and belonging. Which we humans need to survive. You can fact check that with the American Psychological Association. 😜

Although the path to a life well lived can be serious work, I find humor to be a great companion. One that can join us, lift us up, and teach us. 

If you would like to know the more about my background and my work, just click here…https://insideout-life.com/about

Tiffany’s Story

I have been a therapist for 20 years. I’m committed to seeking out what I need to wake up and grow into the best version of myself. Thankfully I know there is time as we are never done. I have found the most healing and shifts through Brainspotting, myofacial release therapy (MFR), plant medicine and being in relationships. I know there will always be “another fucking layer”. What motivates me is that when I work through the F*ing layer, there is more space for the good stuff in this life like joy, authenticity and deep connection. 

Like many (who are brave enough to acknowledge) I have had a messy journey to mid-life. I spent my 20s and 30s trying to over-function my way to happiness. I did what I knew until I learned a new way. Life gives us people and moments big and small to wake up and grow up.  

I am currently learning how to be more playful. Yep, being playful can be uncomfortable when you’ve coped with adverse experiences by being a serious and productive person. Singing karaoke and dancing (while sober) are good signs I am on that path to playfulness. I am happiest when I am with family, friends and my dogs at my home on Lake Superior.

To learn more about my work, please visit my website www.tyssoncreek.com.

Kate’s Story

I have been a therapist since 2012 and shifted into private practice after years of clinical management roles. I am the baby of the group, but truly am described by those who know me best as an old soul who has navigated a lot of messy life experiences in my first half of life. I draw from these experiences, falls, and “reroutes” to help inform my practice, and I continue to do my own learning, growing and healing. I am a committed user of therapy myself, and value being open about my personal falls, mistakes, and reroutes. Though often messy and painful while it is happening, I also hold a lot of gratitude for the hard sh*t as it has helped me to deepen my relationship with myself and others. The spark of wisdom I wish I had earlier in my journey is “disappoint them” as I consider myself a recovering people pleaser and often have to remind myself that “feeling loved is an inside job”.

I value true connection and curiosity, and am always seeking to learn more about myself, my family and friends. I am most happy when I am outside in nature with my people. I get energy and passion from being in connection with others, and I am working on being more comfortable with stillness and solitude. I am a wife, and mom to two young kids and two rescue dogs.

To learn more about my work, check out my website at: https://www.kateschmidttc.com/