Notice That

This Spark of Wisdom sounds simple, but it can be really challenging. Notice That is about cultivating our superpower of awareness. 🦸🏻‍♀️ We can get so used to our autopilot reactions that we stop noticing if they’re appropriate or effective. 

For example; If you text a friend and they don't respond right away what do you do? Do you obsessively check your phone, or get pissed and start making up judgy stories, or do you grab a cocktail? Notice That. Tune in…why are you upset?  What meaning are you making up about yourself  or them?  

Here’s another example; If you find yourself feeling ashamed about not doing what you said you were going to do…Notice That. Did you commit to doing something you didn’t really want to do? Did you oversleep? Is there a larger problem interfering that might need your attention? Notice That.

Growth and change begin with awareness. When we bring our attention and curiosity to something that invites intensity, discomfort or byproducts like resentment, we can change our relationship with the thing. We can be more honest with ourselves and others about what we want or need and we can move from reacting to responding. And all that adulting starts with Notice That. 😎

The Merch