It works until it Doesn’t

Can you think of a behavior that used to be no big deal and now it's wreaking havoc? Welcome to the club of being human! 😆 We all find ways of self-soothing or avoiding discomfort. For many of us these behaviors have been a lifesaver. Thank you nervous system! We’re still here! 🙌🏼

This Spark of Wisdom is about becoming aware of what these behaviors are costing us and realizing…It Works till it Doesn’t. Think about something that was a go-to for you…maybe it was sucking your thumb as a kid, having a “little hair of the dog” after a late night, trying to control yourself or others with ridged do’s and don’ts, or numbing out with Netflix or scrolling. These all work short term, but they can also cause harm…like crooked teeth, chemical dependence, or damage to our relationships. They work until they don’t! 

This Spark is about bringing compassionate awareness to why the behaviors have been useful, and to get to what is underneath the need for the soothing or avoiding. There may be hurt, anger, resentments, or past trauma to process. You are not alone, we all soothe and avoid sometimes, but we don't want it to keep us from healing and being present in our lives & relationships. 🎁

The Merch