there is enough time
Have you ever caught yourself walking through the grocery store like your hair's on fire?🔥 Many of us are in overdrive powering through our day or our to-do list as a way to feel better about ourselves or to avoid feeling at all. For most of us this is a protective pattern that is highly valued by our culture. When we’re productive we’re good, valued, and lovable. Newsflash! You’ve been good, valued, and lovable all along!
When I catch myself moving too fast I try to remember this Spark of Wisdom. Honestly, I tell myself to “slow the fuck down” and then remember this spark.☺️️There is Enough Time allows us to pause and name the lie that there isn’t enough…not enough time, energy, money, connection. Naming scarcity helps create space and allows us to slow down and remember There is Enough Time.